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Ready to achieve your equilibrium?


Functioning effectively in a complex world requires constant adjustment and the ability to adapt. Today, we are faced with high demands to fit in, succeed, manage, and thrive, all while balancing multiple roles. With each role, come different responsibilities. At times, this can be overwhelming, stressful, draining, and cause painful imbalance internally and even create misunderstanding with the external world. This can further lead to a loss of confidence, decreased self-esteem, increased self-doubt followed by feelings of inadequacy, anxiety, isolation, depression and compromised immune system. Naturally, when feeling discomfort, we need to regain our homeostasis and harmony as these are absolutely required to achieve our goals. Without equilibrium, we are broken. With it, we are unstoppable. 

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A Ship in Harbor is Safe-but that is not what ships are built for.


John A. Shedd

Photo by phototechno/iStock / Getty Images

Photo by phototechno/iStock / Getty Images

Why "equilibrium"?

Equilibrium Counseling Center, Inc. is a premier counseling center that is located in downtown Chicago, between the Loop, River North, and Michigan Avenue. This practice is unique, as it offers quality services to individuals, couples and groups. You can learn more about the psychotherapist by clicking on the link below.  

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